понеделник, 23 ноември 2015 г.

KKIIVV (exhibition, 2015)

A very short excerpt from over 50 minutes of soundscapes (divided in two movements) I've created for KKIIVV - an exhibition by Kostadin Kokalanov and Ilian Iliev presented during НОЩ '15 in Plovdiv. 

 Full info about the exhibition can be found here: http://www.kkiivv.com/portfolio/night15-exhibit/

Motion graphics and animation: Pavel Pavlov

петък, 13 ноември 2015 г.

Last Mytrip & Dayin shows for 2015

Closing the touring season with a few shows in Germany and Poland. This starts on Sunday in Berlin: Noiseberg #22 - I R + Mytrip + Joscha Bauer

15/11 Noiseberg, Berlin, DE
18/11 Maze, Berlin, DE
19/11 LAS, Poznan, PL^
20/11 Wroclaw, PL

^playing as Dayin