As you may have noticed the freshly-ended Expectations tour wasn't covered by the usual online diary. Not that it wasn't fine, but at a point you just realize that everybody who's been in a band or is somehow involved in a scene of some sort has already heard all the '12 hours in the van', 'no hot water and shower', 'finally getting some sleep in real beds' mumbo-jumbo. That's why I skipped the stories this time. The tour itself has been pretty life-changing as I had the chance to reconsider my ideas of music and came to the conclusion a big part of what I've been involved in is just not worth it. That's why after the summer Expectations Euro tour ended I decided to call it quits. And I mean to call it quits in general, and leave all bands I've been involved in so far. I won't mention names, as the status of all of them is pretty different. To some I surely don't want to be related ever again, to others I'll keep contributing as a studio collaborator and it's highly possible that I also perform live again, still on an irregular basis. The reasons are pretty clear, just check what music is being mostly played and appreciated in the hardcore/punk/metal scenes. It says it all.
What's left for me now, besides tons of reading and messing around with musical theory, are my sound endeavors in the fields of ambient, drone and experimental music, which thankfully are dependent only on my sole ambition to create music, and reflect only my ideology and aesthetics, which I find most appropriate right now. I'm planning to dig deeper in media music (short film, performance, theater, exhibitions, visual music) and soon I'll reveal many common projects with film-makers and alternative artists which have been in the making for the last several months. In September I'm presenting my MA thesis on Ambient music so feel free to wish me luck. And yes, I'll still be booking shows and writing about music, and I'll be more critical than ever.
If you're still curious how the last Expectations tour with me on board went, have a look below. A tour video is in the works as far as I'm aware of so an updated version of this post will follow.
080613 Live @ Sentinel, Bilbao, Spain
160613 Live @ Boat Club Ladja, Belgrade, Serbia
And it's highly advised to check those bands I met on the road, as they were really making something different out of their music.
Les 2 Minutes De La Haine from Tarbes, France
Dearest from Wurzburg Germany